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We start from the playing and the actively learning child. In young children, doing, discovering and experiencing are leading. In older children, the development of cognition is increasingly central. We pay attention to skills such as courage, perseverance, independence and resilience. Play and interaction are the keys to development. Activities only have the desired effect if they are meaningful and meaningful to the child. Pedagogical staff and teachers support the development of the children, based on the interests of the children, with knowledge from various disciplines.

Every employee is able to take the child's perspective so that every child feels seen, heard, known and understood and not one child is left out.

Process-oriented good education takes place in a learning organization in which employees and parents, but also the students themselves, want to know how they are doing. The choices made for the benefit of the development process and the results are accounted for by them and the authorities.

Child-centered education

Every employee is able to think and act from the child's perspective so that every child feels heard, seen, recognized and accepted.
The basis of our work is the pedagogical relationship between child, pupil, parents and IKC employee. Only when that relationship is present does it become possible to learn, teach and educate. First of all, we want to get to know and understand the children: Who are they? Where do they come from? What do they need? In summary, the child-centered approach is as follows:

  • Education is organized in such a way that the children can go through an uninterrupted development process.

  • It is tailored to the progress in the development of the children.

  • The focus of the act is aimed at promoting the basic needs of children: relationship, competence and autonomy.

  • The development of the child is central; the basis lies in the basic characteristics (emotionally free; enterprising; being curious, having self-confidence) the involvement and self-direction of the child.

  • The educational offer is broad (head-heart-hands), meaningful and connects to the living environment of the children.

  • The educational processes have variations in learning routes and working methods.

  • The educational organization is becoming more flexible and is supported by ICT.

  • The way in which child-oriented education is designed and the pace at which it is made are choices that are made by the school.

Vision on parenting

We are respectful and open to each other and are aware that we are a model for the children through our own attitude and communication. We raise children positively. We approach each other with warmth and clarity. This means that we deal constructively with the behavior and emotions of children. The emphasis is on good listening, being sensitive and giving positive attention to things that children do well. The values of respect, integrity and openness form the basis for dealing with each other. We see parents as partners in the education and development of the child. We strive for a warm and involved cooperation with parents.

The Child Center is open all day and almost all year round and offers a range of activities for children from zero to twelve years old. For the children, in addition to the core subjects, there is room for other activities such as; sports and exercise, cooking together, eating, music, culture, mind sports, technology, environmental education in a shared garden. And time for yourself to do something you feel like doing. Teachers, pedagogical staff, subject specialists, parents with expertise and special talents are involved. The rich day packages that children can use are organized from 2 pm to 7 pm and are in line with the continuous schedule. We take into account the variety of planned activities, free time, space for your own choices and planning, variety of meaningful and meaningful, lifelike learning, space for enjoying, playing, eating, celebrating and being allowed to be alone.


Onze missie is er een waarin we ons inzetten voor de persoonlijke groei en ontwikkeling van elk kind, en waarin we hen voorbereiden op een toekomst die steeds meer geglobaliseerd en verbonden is. Wij geloven dat dit kan worden bereikt door:


'Wij zien jouw kansen!'

Wij creëren een dynamische, flexibele en inclusieve leeromgeving zijn die zich richt op het individuele kind en zijn/haar behoeften en talenten. Wij geloven dat ieder kind uniek is en zijn/haar eigen persoonlijke leerstijl heeft. Daarom hebben wij een inclusieve onderwijsaanpak die rekening houdt met de verschillende behoeften van onze leerlingen.

Wij geloven dat leren meer is dan alleen het verwerven van kennis en het begrijpen van concepten; het gaat ook om het ontwikkelen van vaardigheden zoals kritisch denken, creativiteit en samenwerking. Ons onderwijsaanbod is gebaseerd op actueel onderzoek naar de beste onderwijspraktijken en de meest effectieve leermethoden. Hierbij houden wij rekening met de diversiteit aan leerstijlen, achtergronden en capaciteiten van de leerlingen. 

Een belangrijk aspect van onze basisschool is de integratie van technologie in het leerproces. Naast onze boeken en schriften worden digitale leermiddelen op een effectieve manier ingezet om het leerproces te optimaliseren en de betrokkenheid en motivatie van de leerlingen te vergroten.

We zien ouders en verzorgers als belangrijke partners in de educatieve reis van hun kind(eren). We willen nauw samenwerken met de ouders om de leerlingen te ondersteunen en te helpen om hun volledige potentieel te bereiken.

Wij zijn een veilige en inclusieve leeromgeving waarin respect en tolerantie centraal staat. Er wordt aandacht besteed aan de sociale en emotionele ontwikkeling van leerlingen en wij tolereren geen pestgedrag of discriminatie. 

Het team van leraren en ondersteunend personeel bestaat uit professionals die samenwerken om het beste onderwijs te bieden aan elke leerling.

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Contact details

29 Leeuwenlaan                         T: 0115-648830

4532 AE TERNEUZEN                       E:

The Netherlands

Interested? Make an appointment!

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